Requirements To Install Kali Linux on Android Without Root:
1. Download and install a termux applicationon your Android phone. Download from the f-droid or from the above link.
[?] Delete downloaded rootfs file? [y/N] N
[*] Configuring NetHunter for Termux ...
./install-nethunter-termux: line 320: kali-armhf/etc/sudoers.d/kali: No such file or directory
There is an error on ./startkali.sh command.
~/Kali/Nethunter-In-Termux/Nethunter-In-Termux master ● ls
LICENSE README.md kali-armhf kalifs-armhf-minimal.tar.xz kalinethunter startkali.…
How to uninstall kali nethunter termux
pkg upgrade -y and ./setup.sh
`Create` ~/bin/data/data/com.termux
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Kalispell-[$]-[#] install=✓termux #1
i somehow managed to run it in kali nethunter installed in termux but the problem is…
Whay is the best way tonrun the client from android? There are lots of linux and win emulators but has anyone eun it this waybwith success and can point me the one that will run it the smoothest?
Hey guys, I have a problem, which is that Kali Nethunter freezes automatically after a few seconds of running it on termux, it does not work again until I exit from vnc viewer and return. I hope you c…
When I installed kali nethunter in termux when I type any command it shows like
bash:nethunter:command not found in kali nethunter
| [![](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PjirB3t7OUA/W0B6bMgxmTI/AAAAAAAADMI/NpLnQRR8AVkXmafe-fdtowdyh8TE8IrugCLcBGAs/s320/20180707_140103.jpg)