I didn't know whether to make these as a single thread or multiple. I'll keep them all together for now, but we may split them into separate issues down the track.
1) Multiple values for a single p…
Can we use with tern-eslint a pre-made configuration like that in our configuration file :
extends": "airbnb"
if already installed with node ?
The default installation instructions no longer work: tern is 0.11 as of late and tern-closure is still with 0.7 and the installation must be reverted and tailored to satisfy this.
go install github.com/jackc/tern/v2@latest
github.com/jackc/tern/v2@v2.2.1: verifying module: checksum mismatch
downloaded: h1:92gwlWtAcS/xwgtvnGPgBbfsTrgkHKMLi1MwAY/SIxs=
sum.golang.org: …
as I would like to be able to change filament I configured "M600" and was not able to use TFT_LVGL_UI as UI (TFT_COLOR_UI works):
Compiling .pio\build\mks_robin_nano_v3_usb_flash_drive_ms…
It would be nice to offer a module named `tern-extjs` in npm. This module could offer an option to specify the version for which we could offer completion. Something like :
``` javascript
Need commands:
1. Jump to definition
2. Find type of
3. Rename variable
Screenshot is from http://ternjs.net/doc/demo.html
![enter image description here](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-uSegHi65…
Today, tern.java is used (or will be used) by :
- JBoss tools for tern.java and AngularJS Eclipse
- Liferay IDE for AUI support
- Nodeclipse for node, express, mongodb and mongoose support
- MyE…
Integrates https://github.com/angelozerr/tern-lint
See features at https://github.com/angelozerr/tern-lint/wiki/Validation-Rules
TERN API - about 45K plant preserved specimen records and put them into the ALA.