Arya 不支持直接粘贴图片或者拖动文件到笔记中。原因可以理解。不过或许 TextBundle 可以解决。
关于 TextBundle 的建议已经提交给链滴笔记,D 表示链滴笔记会加入支持,详情在这里:
对于在线编辑器 Arya …
Would allow for better story of sharing and syncing data?
* 一来是分享方便,想分享某个笔记给别人,直接拷贝对应的textbundle文件夹即可,无需借助vnote软件。
* 二来方便清理多余的图片。有时候从md正文中删除了某图片但仍保留了图片原文件,过段时间想清理这些多余的图片就不需要在浩如烟海的图片集中去筛选。
* 三来保持文件目录整洁。假如说用户从别处复制了md文件,其…
一直以来,md 文档插入图片的通用性都是问题:
* 用图床链接,不稳定
* 用本地文件链接,容易丢
这也是我在用 md 做记录时候的烦恼。
VNOTE 使用了 json 和私有图片链接形式,但如果把笔记文件夹复制到比如安卓平台上,用其它 md 编辑器打开,里面的图片是没办法显示的。
不过,Marked 开发者和 Ulysses 团队就开发出了一种解决方法,就是 Tex…
## What problem does this solve or what need does it fill?
Many other fields on TextBundle can be built using a `with_x` type pattern, e.g with_style, with_background_color, etc. However the "visi…
Implementing open source library TextBundle makes it easy to publish notes to WordPress on iPad and iPhone.
### What
Publishing Simplenote notes directly t…
Support for Textbundle file format (http://textbundle.org) would be very useful for me when it comes to exporting files and integration with Marked (http://marked2app.com). It supports image attachmen…
I'm doing some foundational improvements to Hugo, and I stumbled over some limitations to _single file mounts_ (as in: Not a directory). These mounts were intended to be used for directories, that th…
## Bevy version
## What went wrong
`text_debug` example:
The yellow and green text nodes are missing their last lines.
## Investigation
This seemed like a problem with the text measure fun…
add helper functions to change this
"\n" + BOLD + "Usage:" + END + "\n\nmdpre < inputfile > outputfile\n\n"
if wantVerbose is True: