I think the module `react-css-themr` should be listed in the `peerDependencies` of the `package.json` instead of the `dependencies`. Otherwise, if I use both modules (`react-cssthemr` and `react-toolb…
After installing, I ran `npm start `, but got:
Module not found: Can't resolve 'react-css-themr' in 'C:\...\node_modules\react-rater-plus\lib'
Currently I'm trying to rewrite `themr` in TS to provide consistent up-to-date typings and I'm in the middle of the struggle started in #39
The problem is that switching from correct `React.Componen…
react-toolbox-themr is an awesome lib, but if I try to add configuration to my package.json I get following error:
throw new TypeError('Path must be a string. Received ' + inspect…
In Windows 10, the stars that indicate favorites and the checks and X's that show the state of settings show as missing characters (rectangle outline). They appear normally in Windows 8.1. Do I need a…
Hi! To continue our conversation at https://github.com/javivelasco/react-css-themr/pull/46
In 2.1.0 you added `mapThemrProps` with example:
function mapThemrProps(props, theme) {
This guide should help along the way: https://github.com/piotrwitek/react-redux-typescript-guide
- [x] https://github.com/FriendsOfReactJS/react-css-themr/pull/33
- [x] setup tslint rules t…
# constexpr vector and string in C++20 and One Big Limitation - C++ Stories
constexpr started small in C++11 but then, with each Standard revision, improved considerably. In C++20, we can say that th…
It would be cool if we could provide an export button that gave you something you could export to AMO.
As a first pass we'd need to:
- [x] export the theme
- [ ] pretty print the JSON
- [ ] g…
sometimes in live it happens that you can not effort spending more time on a project.
Because of newer projects, moving to new technologies or what ever. Guess all understand that but it
is …