Hi, i'm trying to control the camera via UART but i think i forgot something, because camera doesn't do anything
for example :
terminal 115200 bauds 8N1
to start record, i send 0x03 0xea 0x02 0x0…
Hi Paul,
The logs got me back the below:
Logger: homeassistant.components.command_line
Source: components/command_line/switch.py:218
Integration: Command Line ([documentation](https://www.home-a…
Est il possible que tu le rende compatible avec mon pilotage elec ?
Bonne journée
Salut !
j'avais un pb sur mon instance HA depuis quelque temps.
J'en ai profité pour passer sur la dernière version 1.8
a la première exécution avec un moteur Php 7.4.33 on a une erreure ligne…
Hi guys,
I am trying to run your tutorials but I don´t know whats wrong. At first, I am new, really beginner in these things like Hadoop etc.
I uses this, exactly same what is written there: https:/…
# :wave: Welcome to GitHub Learning Lab's "Introduction to GitHub"
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:point_down: _This arrow m…
პირველი დავალების მეხუთე ტასკს უკეთ რომ გახედო. შენ git-ზე ახლა მხოლოდ 1 branch გაქვს main, უნდა გქონდეს მეორე ბრენჩი homework_1 რომელშიც იქნება homework1 დირექტორია და შიგნით იქნება ამ 4 ტასკის ფაილი…
**Describe The Bug:**
hello, I've never been able to get the plugin to work properly.
After configuration, the data is refreshed correctly.
But afterwards, I get timeouts on API calls for refr…
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#0 0x403764c5 in panic_abort (details=0x3fcebc3b \"assert failed: etharp_que…
Sorry don't know what to label this issue as. I think it's more likely an error my side than something wrong with the package. Any help will be appreciated (I'm new to TensorFlow in general). Also tha…