Add the features of https://github.com/OGGM/oggm-3dviz/pull/17 to the tutorials:
- [x] side_by_side plots and animations with one heading
- [x] round the thickness colorbar values to 'nice' number…
The system needs to generate a topology based on xyz coordinates as well as generate a random topology.
I originally planned to use the `net_*()` functions for topography metrics, but that now seems to turn the net-prefix into a bloated "catch-all". Thoughts on `topo_*()`?
Priorities w/ some proposed…
Is it possible to have a tomography routine (single qubits and 2 qubits) that allows sweeping a parameter in one of the gates implemented in the circuit?
This would allow us to run arbitrary experi…
I ran a test experiment of the MOM6-CICE6 0.25° configuration with newly generated grids and topography. While I updated `NIGLOBAL` and `NJGLOBAL` in the `MOM_input` file to reflect the new grid size …
I came across ICD-O topography codes in https://github.com/cBioPortal/oncotree/blob/master/scripts/ontology_to_ontology_mapping_tool/ontology_mappings.txt with identifiers like C80.9. These codes appe…
Thanks for all the effort and wisdom. Please, could you tell me a command for add topography to seismic reflection image or radargram in time domain? Thank you very much. You're an eminence!
Can we show some topography on the map, or have a layer based on some of this:
Full list of classifications to define (inspired by ALA classification):
It should be easy to add bottom topography to the layered models. When there is bottom topography, the lower layer PV gets an extra term `f0 h / H` where h is the topographic anomaly and H is the lowe…