Travis CI **linux-aarch64** and **linux-ppc64le** jobs continue to have high failure rates (10%-25%). This manifests either as infinite queuing or premature cancellation. Restarting the individual bui…
JIRA Issue: [KIEKER-1528] Temporary replacement for Snap-CI
Original Reporter: Thomas F. Düllmann
As mentioned in the main ticket, we might need some temporary solution as a replacement for Snap…
I am trying to switch our documentation build from normal sphinx to `sphinx-multiversion`. Locally, I can run everything just fine, but the deployment using Travis fails. This is the output of my…
Um tutorial básico de utilização do travis ci no github, algo que mostre na prática como utilizá-lo.
`kivy/tools/travis/id_rsa.enc` should be moved to `.ci/id_rsa_travis.enc` to have these things in one place, and `.ci/id_rsa.enc` renamed to `.ci/id_rsa_appveyor.enc` for clarity.
Travis-CI.org will be shut down on December 31, 2020. Full details are in [this newsletter from Travis](https://mailchi.mp/3d439eeb1098/travis-ciorg-is-moving-to-travis-cicom?e=%5BUNIQID%5D).
Now i…
Travis is migrating support for open source projects from travis-ci.org to travis-ci.com, and will be closing travis-ci.org at the end of the year.
Travis-CI.org will be shut down on December 31, 2020. Full details are in [this newsletter from Travis](https://mailchi.mp/3d439eeb1098/travis-ciorg-is-moving-to-travis-cicom?e=%5BUNIQID%5D).
Now i…
Put this on travis. You'll have to make 3 secret environment variables:
- mailinator url
- mailgun url
- email password
Do you need travis ci? I can help set it up for you.