Set up a Trello board to move around stories, do planning of the Sprint Backlog and grooming of the Product Backlog.
There's a link to https://trello.com/b/V8OrXkFa/lambda in the README; however, Trello delivers the following message when loading this URL:
> **Board not found.**
> This board may be private. If some…
Implement functionality to create a new ticket on an individual's Trello account.
Ability to assign the created ticket to a specific board.
Acceptance Criteria:
-The API should b…
The matterllo is deployed using a docker on GCP (4 core / 8g ram) internally with Nginx/SSL as the proxy.
However, it takes around 50 seconds to load the board list (https://XXX/board) from …
Hi guys I created a trello board for the game. Using it we can track what mechanics we need to implement and which ones are waiting for testing and evaluation. Here is the link: https://trello.com/inv…
It would be great if trello-full-backup could also allow to restore a Trello board from a backup.
Question: Where can I suggest new docs and features?
Answer: You can suggest and vote for new docs on the Trello board: https://trello.com/b/6BmTulfx/devdocs-documentation
![Screenshot 2021-11…
I think it would be nice to be able to track development on Trello:
Currently the issues on GitHub are sorted in to groups of "Enhancement" and "Bugs",
**Issue by [njx](https://github.com/njx)**
_Friday Apr 11, 2014 at 19:43 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/adobe/brackets/pull/7491_
Making a PR for this since I think it makes sen…