I'm not sure if this is a bug or I'm not familiar with this package.
Understand that each `Flex` type has a `*Box` as mentioned in the doc.
type Flex struct {
// The items to b…
I'm working on a large and complex project, I'm looking for a way to close the app before a panic/crash in order to print the stack traces.
For the moment, the errors can't be displayed properly wh…
sec 当前使用的是 https://github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter,不能完全满足要求。
- https://github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea
- https://github.com/gizak/termui
- https://github.com/rivo/tview
- https://gith…
alwqx updated
1 month ago
In CefGlue.Demo.Avalonia when you open a new tab the browser doesn't render the page until the tab is selected.
Is there a way to let the browser download resources and start rendering the page even …
sakya updated
4 weeks ago
To better support adding new features in future, especially to make integrating PRs easier, there should be a centralized way of handling commands.
This will also make it easier for users to rebind…
After reading the below issues with looks like the handling of ansi escape control sequences is not currently supported, can you confirm if that is the case still?
mgale updated
2 months ago
I have a program that executes when I use ssh user@ip ls, and it uses tview to draw, but it keeps getting errors。
Not sure if this is an environment bug or if I'm doing something horribly wrong. I've been working off the example code expecting the below program to let me tab between the 4 input fields and type in…
I've just spent way too long deducing the subtleties of calling `alpaka::memset`: Down in the [GPU path](https://github.com/alpaka-group/alpaka/blob/73642da70d35d0936b57cceddda108055ce86c87/inclu…
simply bumping the version naively seems to have some problems:
* colors look weird
* keybinds don't work right