This is a request for adding stubs for python lz4, or alternatively adding a lz4-stubs pypi package, seeing as this codebase supports python versions from before type hinting became possible.
The status_map in stubs/WebOb/webob/exc.pyi is typed as `dict[int, WSGIHTTPException]` and it should be typed as `dict[int, typing.Type[WSGIHTTPException]]`.
I was wondering if you would be interested in PRs that add type annotation stubs for the plotly.py API. That would enable static type checkers like mypy and Pyre to statically type check Python p…
I've seen some effort towards annotating `scipy`, and that's great!
As it currently stands, (static) type-checkers report many false positives, as they're unable to infer, for example, the signatur…
I didn't have much discipline when I first introduced JS support and created quick stubs for the necessary types. We should move to a more structured approach with `PlatformSpecific` super types, avoi…
### Describe the problem
In `scipy.special` there are a lot of "ufuncs", which are callables `numpy.ufunc` instances that have a bunch of extra attributes, methods, and automatically convert an vec…
Hi, just wanted to file an issue to request type hint stubs so that msal can be used in projects that have type checking enabled.
More info: https://peps.python.org/pep-0561/
FYI I've put some stubs up here: https://github.com/python/typeshed/issues/10796
But maybe want them in this repo?
Type stubs for this library would be great so that it doesn't interfere with usage of static type checkers like pyright. Currently, since there's no stub file, static type checkers are unable to fully…
It looks like Python has type hints for aio, but not all of the code. `py.typed` also isn't shipped, which would mark the wheel as having type hints. This results in external type hints, like this: ht…