- [x] 简单的验证码自动识别+填写+重试,让客户端无需关心验证码 https://github.com/Vizards/uestc-api/commit/a6875cb6cd41115cbc1c3a1ed9c731b756b21a5b
- [x] 所有请求带 UA,简单模拟下浏览器,使访问特征尽量不明显 https://github.com/Vizards/uestc-api/commi…
🐸 🐸同学好,最近使用UESTC_Helper,发现有以下地方。
* 成绩为“良好”时会出现BUG,绩点算作0和未通过。
* 某些科成绩挂科的时候会出现绩点算作了0.8
* 强烈建议添加“已修通识学分”、“已修专业必修学分”、“已修选修学分”模块!!方便查看
> http://bbs.uestc.edu.cn/mobcent/app/web/index.php?r=命令 (命令为 xxx/yyy 格式,见下面)
所以用户登录的 url 就是 http://bbs.uestc.edu.cn/mobcent/app/web/index.php?r=user/login ,在这里 xxx 就是 user,yyy 就是 login 是这个意思吗?
- CONNECT smaco2.uestc.edu.cn:443
Hello,does this code have corresponding paper for reference?
有可能是 OJ 挂了,也有可能是只能在校园网内访问:
- [x] CSU `http://acm.csu.edu.cn/OnlineJudge/userinfo.php?user=`
- [ ] HUST `http://acm.hust.edu.cn/u/`
- [ ] CQU `http://acm.cqu.edu.cn/oj/userinfo.php?name=`
- [x] U…
I try to train the model ,but I can't get the h3.6m dataset. I try to only use other datasets,but the result is weird. I tried to contact the admin of h3.6m , but I was refused . Can you share the da…
Thank you very much for open-sourcing the code. Here, I would like to inquire if it would be possible to provide more information about the Action to Motion task, such as training and evaluation on da…