Hello sir, please check my contribution for you. I hope you like it
Link : https://utopian.io/utopian-io/@redmusic/new-logo-proposal-for-utopmod-task-request
#### Expected behavior
App should be able to capture screen activities when start recorder is selected or launched.
#### Actual behavior
Application crashes and locks device screen when start record…
#### Expected behavior
I think I can download the lyrics ofline
#### Actual behavior
when i open this app i try to download but this app even cras
#### How to reproduce
-download app lirically
#### Expected behavior
While changing the server and then pressing on the refresh button the app should refresh the news flashes as expected. Or should work normally as it does on the given server.
#### Expected behavior
when i click on the Flipside camera icoms,i should able to snap with both back and front camare perfectly without any issue.
#### Actual behavior
when i click on the Flipsid…
#### Expected behavior
I expected that I could access zipped files sent via bluetooth correctly
#### Actual behavior
After sending a zipped file via bluetooth and tried to view the files contained i…
#### Expected Behavior
Choosing the Hidden Files option in the More Options menu brings up a window listing hidden files.
#### Actual Behavior
Choosing the Hidden Files option in the More Options…
Mixion App is A native Android app for Steemit.com and can be downloaded on [playstore](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.taskail.mixion)
#### Expected behavior
Mixion app which pulls…
#### Expected behavior
It is a skill of all the applications of this tip, to be able to rotate the screen as many times as necessary, to have a better view, or to work more comfortable.
#### Actual …
#### Expected behavior
I wanted to check my profile details using the bot, I expected my correct details to be given out. The reputation should be 60.
#### Actual behavior
The details I got was inco…