Dear Mr. Ye,
I am happy to meet you at this project through your masterpieces, [Learning Latent Representations Across Multiple Data Domains Using Lifelong VAEGAN](https://link.springer.com/chapter…
- 物理モデルを加えて学習を行う
- [x] より精度の高い生成モデルに学習させる
- [x] トルク解析不能な形状が多いので後処理を加える
- [x] バックグラウンドでshellスクリプトを実行できるようにする
- [x] イプシロンの意味を理解する
- [x] Physics VAEGANの仕組みを米倉先生に聞く
- [x] 閾値をもとにdesirableとundesirable…
Hello I was trying your library for my master dissertation. My dataset contains 128x128 images and I need to adapt the code to run some of your model archictures.
I successfully did this with VAE but…
# ToDo
- [x] WGANとの比較
- [x] 加藤くんの論文を確認
- [x] 同様のパラメータで学習
- [x] VAEGANの学習
- [x] パラメータ調整
- [x] Encoder Lossの高止まり解消
- バッチサイズを大きくすると見えてくる
- [x] JMAGの環境設定
- [x] モジュールのインストー…
Hope to fix it !
autoencoder / chainer_vaegan / src / train.py
When I ran this, an error sentence appeared as follows.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "train.py", line 456, in
train (enc_model, ge…
I am trying to use the framework on a custom dataset. In VAEGAN_ADNI_train, I want to resize the images to 128*128*128 by setting sp_size=128 instead of sp_size=64.
On running the code for tr…
Hi, @mattragoza I installed LiGAN successfully. But when I run pytest tests, there is a lot of errors occurred:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _…
Dear TA,
I wonder if it is possible for you to shed some light on basic information of Lab3-3.
1. Number of parameters.
I use the following code to count parameters:
param_count = 0
for …
While training on my own images, I'm getting this error,
Invalid operation is performed in: LinearFunction (Forward)
Expect: prod(in_types[0].shape[1:]) == in_…