**Expected behavior (what you expected to happen)**:
search config file according to specified configType.
**Actual behavior (what actually happened)**:
I have 2 config files config.json …
## Preamble
Title: Separating code reuse concerns from Viper core
Author: @daniel-jozsef
Type: Meta(?)
Status: Draft
Created: 2017-12-12
## Simple Summary
A t…
**Expected behavior (what you expected to happen)**:
After calling `viper.SetEnvPrefix("FOO_")` and `viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer(".", "_", "-", "_"))`, and given `viper.SetDefault…
baseBranch := viper.GetString("capi-templates-repository-base-branch")
if msg.BaseBranch != "" {
baseBranch = msg.BaseBranch
These `viper.GetString` calls make flags brittle a…
### System information
Type | Version/Name
--- | ---
Distribution Name | Proxmox (Debian)
Distribution Version | 7.3-3 (Debian 10 bullseye)
Kernel Version | 5.15.74-1-pve
#### Expected behavior
Browse old pages offline with pages showing off.
#### Actual behavior
Browse old page with nothing showing off.
#### How to reproduce
**Expected behavior (what you expected to happen)**:
Unquoted TOML entries with a dot should be read properly:
`section1.la.la` shou…
flags.StringP("env-file", "e", "", "...")
if err := viper.BindPFlag("config.env-file", flags.Lookup("env-file")); err != nil {
envfile := viper.GetString( "con…
generamba gen AuthModule viper_template
Module is broken! *["project_file_path", "project_group_path", "test_file_path", "test_group_path"]* field cannot be empty, because it is mandatory.
# New Issue
## Context
* Operating System: Linux Mint 20
* GoCryptoTrader version (`gocryptotrader -version`):
GoCryptoTrader v0.1 amd64 go1.15.1 pre-release.
## Expected Behavior