This issue has to be investigated. Some examples:
04/30/2020 09:35:52.196 [21] vlingo-net/actors[Debug]: DeadLetter[Actor[type=ConsoleLoggerActor address=Address[Id=11, Name=(none)]].Close()]
For example, currently, schemata can't parse this VSS file.
data ContactInformation {
version semanticVersion
Vlingo:Developers:io.vlingo.developers.petclinic:PostalAddress:1.0.0 postalAdd…
When mvnw is not launchable in current path, the xoom gui emits the following exception at the generation step:
16:12:51.035 [pool-2-thread-6] DEBUG io.vlingo.actors.Logger - errorStrings: []
This is the feature that has to be ported from JVM implementation referenced by this commit: https://github.com/vlingo/vlingo-common/commit/9c92728c52fa8da0cc5d72ed368a129d8a16b74d
It has to be bas…
we have created a project for a [portfolio](https://github.com/whzinformatik/stocktrader/tree/portfolio). (Same project as #4)
We want to retrieve some data (get request).
Some errors alr…
**Describe the bug**
We created a project with the [vlingo-xoom-starter](https://github.com/vlingo/vlingo-xoom-starter). Our [project](https://github.com/whzinformatik/stocktrader) is an implementati…
**Describe the bug**
We created a project with the [vlingo-xoom-starter](https://github.com/vlingo/vlingo-xoom-starter). Our [project](https://github.com/whzinformatik/stocktrader) is an implementati…
[pool-2-thread-6] ERROR io.vlingo.actors.Logger - Exception thrown by Resource execution
io.vlingo.xoom.starter.task.template.TemplateGenerationException: Failed.
at io.vlingo.xoom.starter.task.st…
The problem is that when we run the Grid (on top of vlingo-cluster) there are various classes that can…
The [SockeChannelSelectionProcessorActor](https://github.com/vlingo/vlingo-wire/blob/master/src/main/java/io/vlingo/wire/channel/SocketChannelSelectionProcessorActor.java) loops infinitely while tryin…