I have implemented SCNN using Tensorflow and put the full codes [here](https://github.com/cardwing/Codes-for-Lane-Detection). You can test the code in popular lane detection benchmarks like TuSimple, …
I have trained VPGNet, but i don't know how to validate the codel by visualizing outputs. Do you smaple code to work on each image and visualize lane detection output? Kindly shared the code if you ha…
Hello everyone.
I would like to know how I can visualize the output of the multi-label with an example image like it is done here:
I'm a little confused since most of the files are solely about caffe. Is there a way to test the vpgnet on an image or video from other data sets (kitti, culane, etc)? If so, which script would…
[line 115]
int resize_height = std::max(0, FLAGS_resize_height); ///480+32=512
int resize_width = std::max(0, FLAGS_resize_widt…
I have trained the net two times with similar data which has two different type labels .One of the two type is Lane,conclude broken yellow, broken white and so on.Another type is about roadmarking,con…
Institute: Toyota, KU Leuven ([Luc Van Gool](https://scholar.google.co.kr/citations?user=TwMib_QAAAAJ&hl=ko))
1st Author: [Davy Neven](https://github.com/DavyNeven?tab=repositories)
URL: https://arx…
Please ask installation, training and test issues in this panel.
If we assume the car is going parallel to the lanes lines on flat ground, the direction of travel is the same as the extrinsics parameters which we can find using the vanishing point. Looking at openp…
Here is an additional explanation about the lane post-processing. There are four steps basically. First, sampling seed points with the lane heat map from the multi-label task. Then, cluster the seeds …