**Goal**: Implement automated scanning capabilities that are tool agnostic for identifying vulnerabilities in Kubernetes related artifacts, followed by a documented private triage process to resolve t…
Title: Snyk: snowflake-jdbc io.netty:netty-common 4.1.111.Final
Additional information on Snyk can be found here: https://snyk.io/org/snowflakedb-sca-scanning-public-repo/project/52b28ebb-529b-4938-…
Tracking issue for:
- [ ] https://github.com/2lambda123/cisagov-Malcolm/security/code-scanning/197
Tracking issue for:
- [ ] https://github.com/2lambda123/cisagov-Malcolm/security/code-scanning/199
Tracking issue for:
- [ ] https://github.com/2lambda123/cisagov-Malcolm/security/code-scanning/200
Tracking issue for:
- [ ] https://github.com/2lambda123/cisagov-Malcolm/security/code-scanning/202
We want to support [VEX](https://www.ntia.gov/files/ntia/publications/vex_one-page_summary.pdf) (Vulnerability Exploitability Exchange) documents to filter or provide additional context to matches.
### Description
AWS [now offers](https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2024/08/new-version-amazon-ecr-basic-scanning/) two versions of ECR scanning, `CLAIR` (the old version which people have …
### What is your question?
Is there any sort of permissions or something I am missing that would cause the -output function to not work. No matter what I try it throws permissions error on writing fi…
Hi Team,
I am able to upload spdx and cyclone dx format both. After that, I set the user role to Security Responsible, and both the Vulnerability services and monitoring are enabled.
But Still, in v…