See https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360053147012
First, great project! Thank you for creating this.
I'm using this in [create-web3js-app](https://github.com/coddx-hq/create-web3js-app/tree/main/template-web3-react-express-hardhat-ts/solidity/hardha…
ngduc updated
3 years ago
Guild: https://docs.web3js.org/guides/web3_upgrade_guide/x/
Please update the Web3 deploy code for the `new` version of Web3, Web3js-1.0.0.
The `deploy` button on the contract launch page is outdated
Is it possible to use another provider instead of `viem`
i use react native with ether everything works fine then i install solana web3js and import it i cant use etherjs to getBalance or do other actions
(node:16339) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
throw new Error('Please pass…
`Could not find a declaration file for module '@metaplex-foundation/umi-web3js-adapters'. './node_modules/.pnpm/@metaplex-foundation+umi-web3js-adapters@0.8.7_@metaplex-foundation+umi@0.8.7_@solana+we…
Create example web3js Angular App and documentation for it
Example react app - https://github.com/ChainSafe/web3js-example-react-app
#### Expected behavior
#### Actual behavior
#### Steps to repr…
* Network Explorer frequently breaks because of RPC protocol changes.
* We should use `struct.partial` to leave structs in an extensible form