As per Peter's suggestion back at NCSS, this is important for webscale.
Developers cannot even webscale. Unfortunately, our Census website went down.
?? no synergy ??? why is this repository lacking js libraries ????? NODE.JS ?????? WEBSCALE ????
This need to be a jQuery plugin. Also, there should be some mongoDB to add extra webscale.
As we all know, [left-pad](https://www.npmjs.com/package/left-pad) is the epitome of npm packages. With over 2 million downloads per month, it is the gold standard that all other npm packages should s…
would make it a tidge faster in jruby...at least that's the hope.
In order to use dros for webscale, I need to be able to install Erlang/OTP. Version 18 would be nice. Thanks!
Node.js is the fastest, most webscale language. Please make a solution that we can npm install in our MEAN application.
Thank you kindly.
xasos updated
9 years ago
Presumably they should be fully opaque when a cursor is above them, but for webscale reasons they seem to revert back to semitransparent on Firefox v43.
But at least not as bad as [Trend Micro with N…
We need to come up with an awesome webscale 2.0 name for the project. Use this thread to dump your awesome candidate now!
Once we have a decent list I will make a shortlist. Once there is a shortlist…