The default weex create project with platform android seems to have some native methods no longer supported or that needs revision because of package name changes. Projects using Nat.js library have s…
## supported
no label version , both webpack2 and webpack3 support
- [x] Webpack2 (easywebpack 1.x.x+)
- [x] Webpack3 (easywebpack 3.x.x+)
- [x] Hot-Reload , Eslint, Babel
- [x] Extract C…
This package of weex is not support anymore! Please choose other package.
(node:2784) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE]: The argument 'path' must be a string or Uint8Array without null bytes. Received '\u0000commonjs-proxy:F:\\code\\vue-ren…
## Your development environment
- weexpack : v1.0.2
- weex-builder : v0.3.12
- weex-previewer : v1.4.4
OS X Sierra 10.12.4
## The key error stack message.
`/d/test ❯❯❯ weex p…
执行weex plugin add nat-wechat后,显示This package of weex is not support anymore! Please choose other package. wechat是不能用了吗?
# 过程描述
使用 weex 创建全新的项目,并添加该 plugin:
weex create test
cd test && weex platform add ios
weex plugin add weex-gcanvas
打开 platforms/ios/WeexDemo.xcworkspace 无法正确编译。
修改 platforms/io…
weex-plugins 开发成员为空!
weexpack plugin add nat-media-image
Error: The provided path "test/weex-test/platforms/ios/Weexplugin" is not a weexpack iOS project.
thank for u
#### weex
>npm install weex-toolkit -g
##### 使用async/await
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-run…