vue-template-compiler 可以总下面的链接中看到,vue-template-compiler会检查当前版本和vue版本是否一致,如果不一致,则报错。weex-builder的npm-shrinkwrap.json文件中将vue-template-compiler锁定为 2.5.1…
环境:weex-toolkit@1.3.8 devtool@0.3.8 运行weex debugx src -e index.vue报错
F:\t>weex debugx src -e index.vue
[3352:000000000029EA20] 266129 ms: Mark-sweep 1368.4 (1478.5) -> 1368.2 (1479.0) MB, …
I run `weex plugin add weex-gcanvas`and modified it because of version conflict [issue](https://github.com/weex-plugins/weex-plugin-gcanvas/issues/37) .
1. I globally registered `gcanvas` in my …
(node:2784) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE]: The argument 'path' must be a string or Uint8Array without null bytes. Received '\u0000commonjs-proxy:F:\\code\\vue-ren…
npm install weex-tool 直接安装的是weex-debuggerv1.0.6啊,之前用的老版的debugger,在安卓项目中直接开启
WXEnvironment.sDebugServerConnectable = true;
WXEnvironment.sRemoteDebugMode = true;
Milestone 1
- [x] 补全测试 (Write test for Weex platform) #10
- [x] 仓库合并 (Merge this repo into vue main repo and re-fork it here)
- [x] 合并已有的提交 (Merge all commits here)
- [x] Weex JS Framework 打包脚…
_介绍一下背景,这次讨论发生在 JSConf 期间,正好 @yyx990803 难得和团队其他同学见面认识_
主演:@DoranYun @Hanks10100 @IskenHuang @Jinjiang @MrRaindrop @songsiqi @terrykingcha @vczero @yuanyan @Tancy @Fkysly
In Weex you can write code with Vue, a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Also you can find some tools and resources by it.
So this introduction assumes you have knowledge of Vue i…
WARNING in ./node_modules/weex-vue-loader/lib/style-loader.js!./node_modules/weex-vue-loader/lib/style-rewriter.js?id=data-v-3034a74c!./node_modules/weex-vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=styles&index=0…
在web端出现 TypeError: _vm.$processStyle is not a function 异常
另外发现使用weex的组件 例如div text image 等均无法正常渲染
"weex-vue-framework": "^2.5.3-beta.0",
"weex-vue-render": "^0.12.25"
"vue": "^2.4…