#### BUILD AN APP ####
an AI powered assistant that takes a USERINPUT which could be:
1. Recorded Audio (via an in app or on device record-no feature OR upload audio file)
2. 2. Manual text ent…
Add open ai endpoint compatible and implement file saving and passing path between queenbee an workerbee
It seems not work on Windows 11 now. I don't know if the root cause is blocked by TTPSConnectionPool(host='raw.githubusercontent.com'.
It is not a serous problem. I just try to use it for fun. It …
Silero can be imported, which means no torch etc needed: https://github.com/snakers4/silero-vad?tab=readme-ov-file#fast-start
This would make it easier to package the whisper-timestamped to docker …
Hi, thanks for creating this package, it helps us to run whisper with tensorRT.
however, we found that is package didn't include a dependency map (usually is done by requirements.txt)
so we run wh…
Open AI just released Whisper 3 turbo: https://huggingface.co/deepdml/whisper-large-v3-turbo
According to several evaliations, it offers up to 5x faster inference speed with only a minimally highe…
I am using a Mac with flowvoice.ai. I would prefer to run whisper.cpp locally though so I am wondering if you know of any wrapper that will allow me to start/stop the transcription from any…
As a [user],
I want a drop down menu in the Model accordion to display different model options.
So that I can choose the model that best fits my needs.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The AI Model accordi…
I know that Python 3.13 was just released, but i am pretty new to coding so i don't understand why Auto Subs shouldn't work on the new version. I can install the script and it shows up in DR but then …
seamlessm4t can generate transcription so I thought that it storing timestamps somewhere. Is it true?