So for ads, we have been retaining line breaks because of the idea that there is some significance in the overall visual of an ad that is on par with the actual content. Does this include retaining th…
I have a few questions related to the ESIM model for NLI:
1) The ESIM paper says all vectors are updated during training including word vectors. Do the pretrained word embeddings from Glove als…
The latest collection of **74937** articles is very clean. But we still want to clean it a bit more
For example, there are still a relatively small number of duplicate titles. These are always su…
While segmenting Oettingen, I often have the feeling that the editor creates some ambiguity between different types of text elements:
m-k94 updated
3 years ago
Today we flag every application with a "issue" as yellow and a warning sign, resulting in a daunting amount of yellowness causing fatigue.
Many of the kind of warnings we give, is things that we do…
jhrv updated
10 months ago
Create a list of journals that have dataset publication options
### Example:
Weather, Climate, and Society - Dataset Publication
npr99 updated
10 months ago
The current XTCE schema, https://www.omg.org/spec/XTCE/20180204/SpaceSystem.xsd, defines these significance levels in the enumeration `ConsequenceLevelType` (lines 5559-5595): normal, vital, critical,…
As an aid to extracting likely base words, it would be very useful to split strings on character class. I've been calling the resulting strings 'tokens', but I think there's probably a better word. :)…
I'm trying to include both 'replication' and 'replication crisis' as terms, but only the definition for 'replication crisis' is printed in the table or pops up with hover.
![Screenshot 2024-04-10 a…