My mobo is MSI MPG Z490 GAMING EDGE WIFI, can you add the support to configure it on linux please ?
Following the directions for the hello.com program in the README.md produces an error "run-detectors: unable to find an interpreter for ./hello.com"
(base) alex@alex-Z490-AORUS-PRO-AX ~/down/cosmo …
Hey, I previously was using your z490 Vision D build and recently built one based off of this Z590i. Thank you so much for making this available! It's been a huge help. Both systems are working great!…
Can I use your EFI without modification?
I think it should not be possible,
What EFI needs to change after the CPU is changed?
Nuvoton chip and only CPU and ISA/nvme temps shown, no motherboard temp or voltages.
Anyone noticed that after exporting a custom Kext for USB in Z490 from Hackintool, the boot is at least 7 seconds slower than using SSDT-EC-USBX.aml + SSDT-UIAC-USB-Z490-VISIOND-ALTERNATIVE-3.aml + US…
Noticed mb vcore voltage for my 10850k on a z490 taichi (nuvoton) was exactly double my shown vcore in hardware monitor and cpu-z, I understand the cpu section has voltages but they are vid... when ru…
hi,i'm use this efi and success enter ,but when i copy large than 20GB dirrectory to another or nas ,the system will crash and restart, msi z490 edge + 10700k+ rx580,do you have this problem?
ankye updated
4 years ago
显卡:蓝宝石RX580 (2304)