Thanks so much for the great plugin.
I was wondering if you'd considered making it work with zepto, since this plugin is aimed, at least partially, at mobile devices, and zepto is a nice lightweight …
I have used Zepto instead of jQuery.
Zepto 1.1.4 compiled with the data and fx module.
but jplayer has not working.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'animate' of undefined
I don't need the full power of jQuery, Zepto seems like a nice light-weight replacement, especially considering I'd like to get Shortcut working on mobile devices at some point.
``` node
var workPath = '/home/work/tools/tomcat/webapps/';
fis.config.set('roadmap.path', [{
reg: /^\/page\/(.*\.(js|less|css|jpg|jpeg|png|gif))$/i,
isMod: …
I want to use the raty with zepto on mobile.
手机网页使用zepto.js ,这个插件该怎么用?
Currently the sourcemap seems not to be geenerated at all.
Users should be able to use either jQuery or Zepto.