I am a new in gnuradio.
I replaced USRP block with RTL SDR block in lora_RX.grc.
![Screenshot from 2023-08-20 06-57-55](https://github.com/tapparelj/gr-lora_sdr/assets/138300874/8159fed0-68e1-49…
I want to completely extract and save the 8 original preamble symbols on the receiving side to the .dat file, but I have been looking for it in the frame_sync_impl.cc file for a long time, and I am no…
### Describe the bug.
When trying to read a (balsa, maybe) wood ibis hotel card, the flipper detects it but just continues to try and read it over and over again.
### Reproduction
When trying to r…
Not having much luck using avrdude to program an AT32UC3L064 devboard:
$ avrdude -C +avrdude-at32uc3l.conf -p uc3l064 -c pickit4 -U flash:r:readback.bin
avrdude warning: part definition for …
Is there a way to send the serial output of a 'conventional' APRS iGate to the input of a LoRa APRS iGate? (And the other way around)
The behavior that I've noticed is that
- LoRa APRS trackers can …
This is the specific tag
It can't find it
The documentation for the sx1262 says that it can handle something as low as 7.2khz ( wish I could site that now but I did read it recently) and the calculator online shows a doubled range between 125…
Vytvorit KP, dat ho skontrolovat cviciacemu, a po jeho schvaleni cviciacim
poslat na validaciu zadavatelom a potom este zohladnit ich pripomienky.
There was weirdness with using the DMA to bit bash GPIO pins.
It was a bit too difficult to get working reliably, and I don't have an oscilloscope or logic analyser with me to inspect what was goin…
I'm trying to transfer 18 different transactions with 16 bit each from slave to master, the Clock is set to 125kHz.
Therefor I put the CC on another free GPIO pin and attached an interrupt o…