It would be nice if the s3 connector didn't default to the `DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain` and instead took an implicit `S3Settings` for each operation. Similar to how standard library operations…
**Version Information**
### Describe the bug
When using `SendNext` method to send a message to the queue based on Azure Queue service, it may encounter tr…
### Overview
Streams, built with `Consumer.committablePartitionedSource` get stalled (produce little or no records) after multiple rebalances. After restart on new pods streams work fine, but get s…
I am using alpakka-jms 1.1.2 and akka-2.5.27 and was experimenting with failure recovery.
It appears that if I restart the activemq broker, a failure occurs when committing the message (as expected…
Unfortunntly, using a proxy i cannot upload files via the mutipartUpload method; the error is HTTP 501 (not implemented).
But using a local version of S3 (without proxy, and in http mode not …
This looks great, and will be very helpful to our users. Looking at the example posted in the email:
Do I understand it right that `CouchbaseSource.fromN1qlQuery()` doesn't support backpressure at all?
I used `akka-stream-alpakka-couchbase:3.0.3` with Scala 2.12.13 and Akka 2.6.14
A graph like th…
In elasticsearch as part of a `search` request you can optionally specify a [source filter](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-request-source-filtering.html). This …
Is there a way to use alpakka and elasticsearch aggegrations (e.g. to calculate the sum)?
This [example](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-aggregations-metrics-…
All the HBase tests timed out on this build. Attached the log so the stage could be retried and not wipe out build info.
seglo updated
8 months ago