In the process of adding some more widgets and code to support steering wheel encoders to turn off steering, the web page no longer loads. I tried it several times, and as soon as I add widgets, the p…
Hello i have a Problem to Compile the Sketch.
'hour' was not declared in this Scope.
In the File "Display.h" , `String status_string = "IP: " + String(ipaddress) + " Updated: " + String(hour(cu…
I am trying to compile a "gui" example.
Arduino IDE 1.8.19 replies:
C:\Users\PAL\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ESPUI\src\ESPUIclient.cpp: In member function 'uint32_t ESPUIclient::prepareJSONChun…
Hi all, how are you?.
I passed days trying to parse an JSON object from a web page until I found in the readme of the project and other sources how to parse it by using `asyncjson.h` and `arduinojs…
running $ pio run i got this error
Error: Could not find 'eagle.flash.4m2m.ld' LD script in LDPATH '/home/jerome/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif8266/tools/sdk/lib /home/jerome/.plat…
I'm currently trying to narrow it down but I believe the error happens when sendInfo of websocket.cpp is invoked.
assert failed: insert_free_block heap_tlsf.c:233 (current && "free list cannot…
Showing how to use `FirebaseArduino.getVariant` and `JsonObject` iterators:
Whenever I try to compile it say that 'jsonBuffer' was not declared in this scope, I really dont know what is the actual problem
having issues compiling
Linking .pio\build\nodemcuv2\firmware.elf
Bonsoir à tous,
Tout d'abord je souhaite tous mes meilleurs vœux pour cette nouvelle année 2019 à vous tous qui êtes sur ce forum.
C'est un retour au source pour moi depuis mon mon bts d'informa…