### Verify canary release
- [X] I verified that the issue exists in the latest Next.js canary release
### Provide environment information
Operating System:
Platform: darwin
首先我们知道进入了babel7的时代,stage-0这种已经作为不推荐使用的present了,最流行的应该是@babel/present-env 顾名思义让babel拥有根据你的环境来编译不同代码的需求。
## tar…
index.js:187 [import-html-entry]: error occurs while executing entry script
exec @ index.js:187
schedule @ index.js:220
schedule @ index.js:225
(anonymous) @ index.…
### ❓ What is the WebPack?
WebPack은 모듈 번들러.
WebPack은 프로젝트 전체를 한 단위로 분석한다.
즉, 지정한 메인 파일에서 시작해 자바스크립트의 require(webpack commonJS 모듈 지원)과 import(ES6)문을 참고해 프로젝트의 모든 의존성을 조사하고 로더를 이용해 처리한 후 **번들**로…
### Problem
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
TypeError: xxx/src/lib/util.js: Property object of MemberExpression expected node to be of a type ["Expr…
An alternative to vanilla JavaScript and CoffeeScript is Babel, which provides ES6/7 support.
I can work on a pull request to add support. I propose we use the `.es6` extension for Babel source files…
I installed gulp babel (and dependencies) and when running gulp, same es6 code is being output in dist. I tried adding .babelrc to specify preset as well as specifying preset in gulp.
Is there anyt…
Check the support of es6 from https://nodejs.org/en/docs/es6/
Forcing compilation with react-tools stops you from using Babel -
=> Errors prevented startup:
While building the application:
error: conflict: two packages included in the app, grigio:bab…
babel插件怎样在ES6编译ES5时候开启loose mode 模式?