##### **Overview of the issue**
I do not think notificationReazon is a reserved word. I was trying to spot another problem so I paste only part of the JDL file. The real reason is that the notifi…
Hi, it's me again :)
I have an issue when creating new user. After I submit the form, user is created, but the id of the $user object is incremented by one - for example I created user and I can se…
How to access the Custom Resource using the .net client?
The QR code currently includes birth date, but that is not needed, and should remain private.
##### **Overview of the issue**
I generated an Angular4 project and used JDL to generate an entity with a date field.
When i tried to save the entity with a chosen date i found out that the date f…
Hi, I'm new to flutter/dart and I'm developing a simple use-case: 1 form across 2 pages
I want to persist data and be able to get the first screen data when I'm on the second view. After hours of res…
##### **Overview of the issue**
Running `mvnw liquibase:diff` after adding a `LocalDate`, `Instant`, or `ZonedDateTime` property to the entity (e.g from JDL) produces a command to add colum…
When creating new entities and compiling them hot reloading fails with exception
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# Data generator configuration
Ranger currently offers an API (types and builders) for programatic constructions of needed data generators. In a great extent it suffices needs for writing unit test…
I follow with tutorial at https://github.com/api-platform/docs/blob/master/tutorial/api.md#generating-the-data-model and when I run:
``` bash
$ vendor/bin/schema generate-types src/ app/config/s…