I tried to add circleIndicator to AutoScrollViewPager,But it doesn't work.
ImagePagerAdapter imagePagerAdapter = new ImagePagerAdapter(getActivity(),arrayList).setInfiniteLoop(true);
zoumy updated
9 years ago
Hi, Can you make this class work with api 9? I will very appreciate it.
- I am using glide in my project. My project has multiple dependencies (local library projects and remote dependencies).
- Everything works great on Android 5.0 and up.
- _BUT_ When i run the a…
How can I use this lib & achieve backward compatibility up-to minSdk = 10 ?
I have a problem with these libraries and Butterknife recently.
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.1.0'
compile 'com.android.support:design:23.1.0'
compile 'com.android.support:support-…
Hello there, can you help me change the color of current indicator?
I've tried to import both of ur libs as dependencies. but non of them imported.
I have this libs as my custom libs:
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:21.0.3'
compile 'com.nineoldandroids:…
Thanks for your project, it has been very helpful in getting a ViewPager working with an indicator. I'd like to use some of your code in my app, what license is this open-sourced under?
Thanks fo your work. It's a pleasure to use it. I have just a problem with the circle page indicator. It's shown but when I swipe to another page, the white circle indicator doesn't move to indica…
this the code that i write it.
RingProgressIndicator ringCircleIndicator=new RingProgressIndicator();
String css = this.getClass().getResource("circleIndicato…
olaLH updated
10 years ago