The CSS naming convention used in Gutenberg doesn't meet the current WordPress CSS coding standards. Quoting from https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/best-practices/coding-standards/css/
> Sim…
refer to https://codeburst.io/5-javascript-style-guides-including-airbnb-github-google-88cbc6b2b7aa
Can we change coding standards to be PSR-2 compatible?
`wp-config.php` and `wp-content/mu-plugins/pantheon` should adhere to WordPress coding standards. An automated test should also run on every pull request.
Related: #179
This issue was migrated from [Pagure Issue #82](https://pagure.io/dogtagpki/issue/82). Originally filed by **[vakwetu](https://pagure.io/user/vakwetu) (@vakwetu)** on *2012-01-16 18:31:01*:
- Assigne…
Single quotes or double quotes?
Tabs or spaces?
Camel case?
== Task to be completed ==
Create a coding standard page. Similar to these:
== W…
This plugin was originally forked from the [ACF Field Type Template](https://github.com/AdvancedCustomFields/acf-field-type-template), which was a great starting point, but it introduced a very unique…
Not Major for where you are, but I would suggest using a linter. We extend [AirBnb](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript) for Javascript and [Stylelint](https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint) for our…