Hi @m1ci , @jnehring
Our current [JSON-LD produced by FREME Common Module](https://api-dev.freme-project.eu/current/e-entity/freme-ner/documents?language=en&dataset=dbpedia&mode=all&outformat=json…
Thanks for sharing the code and datasets. They are very helpful.
I've discovered that there are some pairs in the original ground-truth are missing in your training, validation, and testing…
rencananya dataset wilayah ini mau di link ke mana saja?
beberapa saran :
- dbpedia Indonesia (http://id.dbpedia.org)
- linkedgeodata
- geonames
Tried with https://databus.dbpedia.org/kikiriki/collections/test_deployment
virtuoso-sparql-endpoint-quickstart-download-1 | Loading collection https://databus.dbpedia.org/kikiriki/c…
We need to create a test for validating contributions to the server ignore list and enable tests on the server module (only for now)
related PRs that caused problem: https://github.com/dbpedia/extrac…
I have spun the local instance of DBpedia using docker images at `https://github.com/dbpedia/virtuoso-sparql-endpoint-quickstart` and loading `https://databus.dbpedia.org/dbpedia/collections/latest-co…
We need to define more links between Wikidata & DBpedia classes and properties.
These will be used for enriching the extracted data from DBpedia
Both TMFResource and AuthorKeyword entities don't have the `dc:identifier` property assigned in the RDF graph.
Possible solution: use trailing part of URI as identifier, i.e. for `http://dbpedia.or…
Moved here from: #670
define sql:signal-unconnected-variables 1
define sql:signal-void-variables 1
define input:default-graph-uri
WHERE { { …
### `name` = `font-size:%;`
Performing the next query to dbpedia:
PREFIX foaf:
SELECT ?country ?label ?longName ?name
?country a dbo:Country…