# Problems summary
Nvim-lsp source becomes very slow in buffers which language server doesn't attach.
## Expected
Completion menu appears immediately after typing.
## Environment Information
diff --git a/autoload/ddc_file/internal.vim b/autoload/ddc_file/internal.vim
index 8b50071..c8b900c 100644
--- a/autoload/ddc_file/internal.vim
+++ b/autoload/ddc_file/internal.vim
@@ -22…
# Problems summary
I don't know the proper setting for CSS forceCompletionPattern.
Completion candidates that start with a colon are not entered correctly.
## Expected
Find out the proper settin…
# Problems summary
Candidates from nvim-lsp does not be shown (from gopls at least).
## Expected
## Environment Information
- ddc.vim version (SHA1): b30ba8b14264933acd67eba68f17507dbfffc4…
**Warning: I will close the issue without the minimal init.vim and the
reproduction instructions.**
# Problems summary
The candidate that is selected by pum.vim isn't reflected to dot repeat
So I've been having this issue recently that when performing `:Git commit` and `:Git push` using vim fugitive, the output from those commands and the cursor would get re-positioned in very strange way…
## summary
When any candidates is shown, two-times type `` to leave insert mode.
Then back to insert mode and typing any character is found error.
## environment
Vim 8.2.3448
Neovim 0.6.…
## summary
In using `/` search, highlighted popup inner text.
## environment
Neovim 0.6.0 (nightly)
## minimal init.vim
set runtimepath^=~/repos/github.com/vim-denops/denops.vim…
Please read the diff
diff --git a/autoload/ddc_nvim_lsp_doc.vim b/autoload/ddc_nvim_lsp_doc.vim
index 3ce8548..8c75384 100644
--- a/autoload/ddc_nvim_lsp_doc.vim
+++ b/autoload/ddc_nvim…
## summary
When fired `ddc#map#insert_relative()`, complemented text overwrites chars right of cursor.
|baz // "|" is cursor
foobaz // use ddc-around