How to Disables all state before Open().
Hello, I'm having issues propagating field data from a modal into the `InteractionModalSubmit` event. For some reason, only the `custom_id` is being passed through, with none of the data from the `Tex…
Calling discordgo.Session.InteractionRespond in the slash command handler will occasionally report 'HTTP 404 Not Found, {"message": "Unknown interaction", "code": 10062}'
func main(…
{Name: "test", Description: "Test desc", Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
Type: discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionString,
Name: "param",
dn-l updated
8 months ago
I have noticed that my bot stopped responding whenever it tried to send a MessageComponent button in response to an interaction.
Investigating the issue, I have noticed that the `Emoji` field insid…
New verison's num < old version,can't use "go get -u" to update to newest version
As a popular card game, Blackjack offers both excitement, chaos and strategic gameplay, making it a fitting addition to the TAB. This bot would offer an interactive gaming experience, supporting mult…
I am trying to use the `GuildMemberTimeout` function under `discordgo.Session` in order to timeout a user based on their userId and the associated guildId.
Currently, my bot intents and perm…
Vulnerable Library - github.com/bwmarrin/discorDgo-v0.27.1
Found in HEAD commit: bd852a96100f75b48603d745042e231b47fcd0a4
## Vulnerabilities
| CVE | Severity | CVSS | Dependency | Type | Fixe…