0x10 = DS18s20 (DS1820)
0x10 = DS18s20 (DS1820)
0x10 = DS18s20 (DS1820)
I am looking for an example using the ADC with Sming, Are there any available ?
The OneWire library impacts pins other than the one pin selected.
Easy to reproduce on an ESP-12:
- put a DS18B20 at pin GPIO12
- put an LED + resistor at GPIO4 to GND
- adjust the WORK_PIN define in…
0x10 = DS18s20 (DS1820)
0x10 = DS18s20 (DS1820)
0x10 = DS18s20 (DS1820)
Is it possible to use the same lib to read the temperature from DS18S20/1820 ? The readings are pretty way off with the current library.
Can we merge #274 ?
We still have a bad example for the DS1820 in the master and develop