I'm trying to do build a web app that checks for transactions for a specific account, but I'm unable to find any documentation on how to listen event transactions with EOS.js. It should be something t…
# Bug
iOS Build Started Failing with 9.5.0 (9.4.0 works fine)
▸ Compiling RNSVGImage.m
❌ /../node_modules/react-native-svg/ios/Elements/RNSVGImage.m:13:9: 'React/RCTGIFImageDecoder.h' fil…
fetch doesnt supported defaultly, we can just use node-fetch but wax cloud wallet auth thing making it really centralised and i cant open auth page from raw nodejs.
**Version of EOSJS**
I am currently sending a transaction, which works, but wonder if I am doing it wrong or not.
I am using the format fr…
**Version of EOSJS**
I was building a HD Wallet, and derivate some xpub to create wallet for different coins. eos is one of the coins. and I can't find any recourses to generate address fr…
**Version of EOSJS**
**Describe the bug**
How can i get the serializedTransaction without set the node url? If i want to do a colder wallet.
const { Api, JsonRpc } = require('…
**Version of EOSJS**
**Describe the bug**
Eosjs throws exception *unrecognized signature format* for `WebAuthn` signature in string format i.e. `SIG_WA_xxxxxx` when contract action contain…
Hi all,
I'm trying to retrieve some data from the bellow command.
`cleos -u https://api.canfoundation.io get scope eosio.token --table stat`
And here's what it returns:
"rows": [{
tea2x updated
3 years ago
I want to use this[ header-only library ](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-httplib) to make http requests. I used the lib many times and I had no issues. However, I think there is compatibility issues w…
I tryed to run test
```nmp t```
> lamington test
⠸ Stopping EOS Docker ContainerError response from daemon: No such container: lamington
✖ { Error: Error: stdout , stderr Error response from d…