Can you share your PSPNet conversion code (pretrained model)? It seems the pytorch model has lower performance than the caffe model.
You mentioned here on your paper that you trained a semantic segmentation ne…
I find you have implemented erfnet for training. I'd like to know whether I can use custom size of input image to training? Do I need to modify something?
And does bonnet support pspnet now?
hi, I want to check comparison between state-of-the-art segmentation methods in Fig 6. your paper.
First, I am trying to implement erfnet code in pytorch on TX2 but i got stuck running program as …
I am currently trying out the ERFNet on the cityscapes dataset. For that I use my own training script but the exact same model implementation as yours.
The mIoU results that I achieve are at best …
mbcel updated
6 years ago
Do you have a model trained in the ADE20k dataset?
Hi, Eromera. There is `--epochs-save` to save model every X epochs, but when I set it to none zero, It can't save the model as I expected. And another issue is that when the training is finished, some…
Hi, Thanks for you share.
I train the model on CityScape Dateset and get the results which the paper show. I want to train the model on my own dataset, but met some issue.
When I train on 2 classes(…
Hi, did you use dropout when eval model? I use Caffe to reproduce ERFNet, but it costs about 100ms on forward. Could you give me some suggestions?
Hi, I tried training ERFNet with the default configuration (single GPU):
> python main.py --savedir erfnet_training1 --datadir /home/datasets/cityscapes/ --num-epochs 150 --batch-size 6
But, the…