This File will build C2 list as (22m_ph_effects_set_v1.csv).
This file contains
> **2508 matching effects**
found by the code below.
Run time was approx 1 hr.
Vocabulary build by 22M Tweet…
ravyg updated
7 years ago
Looking into this now
If we rendered normal maps for ships we could do dynamic lighting pretty easily, giving the ships a much more 3D look without requiring dozens of images - you just need an unshaded color image and a n…
#### Ombi Version:
V 2.1.1336
#### Update Branch:
#### Media Sever:
#### Media Server Version:
#### Operating System:
#### Mono Version (only if you…
./ATMOSPHERICS/pipes/pipes.dm-15- return null
Neural Mechanisms of depression
Laura Gonzalez Vives 0552G
Ana Ortiz-Tallo Moya 0574G
Starting Bibliography:
Auerbach, Randy P. et al. (2013), Behavioral and neural mechanisms underlying cognitive …
As continuation of https://github.com/mastercoin-MSC/mastercore/issues/303.
In short: I coded the whole meta DEx test plan, and some other tests, as Python based RPC tests some time ago and the curre…
dexX7 updated
9 years ago
Newer versions of Chrome i.e. 26 and 27 doesnot support
1. fill property of circle, rectangle.
2. Drag/ events associated with circle/rectangle/image.
I had updated the KineticJS to v4.5.2, even thou…
Migrated from [rt.perl.org#56444](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl5/Ticket/Display.html?id=56444) (status was 'resolved')
Searchable as RT56444$
p5pRT updated
10 years ago
If you start with the hobo profession, you'll always (well, I tested it 10 times) get either the common cold or influenza by noon of day 1. The disease vastly overpowers the alcohol addiction (or with…
dvolk updated
11 years ago