SPDK: v21.04-rc1-13-gac0c36d72
OS (VM): Fedora31 (5.8.18-100)
QEMU: v6.0.0-rc4
VM config:
Hi,tried to run integration test on fedora31 which have cgroup v2 as default
run "crictl runp sandbox_config.json"
get error:
FATA[0003] run pod sandbox failed: rpc error: c…
I am using rhel7 x86_64 versions on Linux Fedora 33 and 34. I have a silo file to use as a test case. Using 3.1.4 after drawing the density the axis can be rotated with mouse very fast and smooth. Wit…
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. west build -b up_squared -p auto tests/subsys/power/power_mgmt
2. west flash ~/up_squared.sh
3. see error
**Logs and console output**
From 2f5cb7d22560f01acef2df59ea2b346fdb6740dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Charles Lane
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2020 12:02:24 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Add #define fallthrough if missing in the kernel
#556 introduced the ECS server, and it has many advantages. I think we should just make it the default `--server` behaviour for the improved UX and major security improvements
test env:
PC, fedora31, ZNS SSD
test script as bellow:
def test_zns1(nvme0):
buf = Buffer()
cple = None
def cb_cpl(cpl):
nonlocal cple;cple=cpl
# ISSUE: Building rpm and dpkg fails.
## Environment Information
- PMDK package version(s): https://github.com/pmem/pmdk/commit/5b7be3ea5b84adce0025…
System got upgraded from Fedora 30 to Fedora31. On first startup docker pulled a shitload of new data in, but failed to start the containers:
]# docker-compose up -d
Creating network "docker-jitsi…
# ISSUE: Building rpm and dpkg fails - duplicated file: pmemset_part_map_drop.3.gz
## Environment Information
PMDK package version(s): https://github.com/pmem/pmdk/commit/7472202fac1efb4f57b0fa7…