I am preparing to propose some functionality I have copied from [numpy](https://www.numpy.org/), and [pandas](http://pandas.pydata.org), but I'm unsure which packages they belong in. I believe this ma…
Currently, the support for discrete directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) is rather poor. There are two options:
- One can construct some simple set of DAGs with `Categorical` and `Mixture` nodes, but the po…
Now we have a forward model $f(\vec{\theta})$ (an NN emulator) which could return the SED of given physical parameters. Then we need to build a neural density estimator to describe the $P(\vec{\theta}…
**edit** https://rdrr.io/rforge/f…
Park and Casella 2008:
Chris Hans 2009:
`blasso` in CARET/monomvn:
**What type of problem are you experiencing and which function is you problem related too**
My run_scenicplus step failed to complete, specifically when eGRN AUCs are binarized. The error is seemingl…
Earlier today, Google announced TensorFlow Probability: a probabilistic programming toolbox for machine learning. The full text of the announcement is available on [Medium](https://medium.com/tensorfl…
First of all thank you for making all of the lectures and other content public. This is really helpful.
I took a look at the demo implementations for lecture 3 and found some bugs which I am report…
I compiled and install Julius in Ubuntu 18.04.4 Desktop in a Laptop, and then modified /ENVR-v5.4.Dnn.Bin/dnn.jconf as follows:
feature_type MFCC_E_D_A_Z
feature_options -htkconf wav_confi…