Hi folks,
Thanks for updating `pynio` for python3 (#10). I **created a virtual environment for the developer branch** (as advised) with `conda create -n pynio -c ncar -c conda-forge pynio=dev pytho…
### What new functionality do you need?
There are a subset of variables that need to be saved on WCOSS2 for the GEFSv13 reforecast. These variables are needed by GEFSv13 reforecast major stakehold…
### What is wrong?
When REPLAY_ICS is set to YES, the f003 atmos master data is not generated in the forecast job. This causes the f003 atmos prod jobs to stall, resulting in missing f003 atmos pro…
### What new functionality do you need?
Presently, the cycled initial conditions are staged by `setup_expt.py`.
The initial conditions for forecast-only are staged by a job `stage_ic`.
This fea…
The goal is to create a CONUS domain with 12km resolution and to prepare for building the RRFSv2 test system.
The workflow follows the NSSL MPAS run, using the GSL-NSSL MPAS model that has RUC-LS…
### What new functionality do you need?
As a followup to https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/global-workflow/issues/177, the setup scripts, config.resources, and possibly other config/env files should be imp…
@bingfu-NOAA reported that ensemble member information regarding aerosol variables is missing in his initial effort to configure aerosols in every member for GEFS v13 development as:
### What is wrong?
The IC files are not copied from their source location to the target location while running the setup script - setup_expt.py
The COMROT is created, but it is empty.
Stage marine DA related data files for verification etc. from Shastri's local directories to a common place:
### Package name
g2 and g2tmpl
### Package version/tag
3.5.1 for g2; 1.13.0 for g2tmpl
### Build options
### Installation timeframe
For GEFS v13 development, the UPP updates require g2 v3.…