## Have you checked borgbackup docs, FAQ, and open Github issues?
## Is this a BUG / ISSUE report or a QUESTION?
## Describe the question.
Does anybody have experience buil…
I have tried to make an ebuild version of 4.8.0. I can get most working (it seems but needs more testing) but there are some errors that Eclipse highlights like:
1) Builtin LFS support not present/…
Hi Tilo,
As of I believe yesterday I'm getting errors when syncing about the use of EAPI0 and EAPI5 for some ebuilds from this overlay
[8] "toaster" /var/db/repos/toaster (cache: parse|ebuild…
Hello @kd35a,
Hello @jeeger,
first of all thanks again for helping me with the packaging. I've programmed a bit more since you included `dspdfviewer` in gentoo and arch and it has a few new features.…
Why it is documented so poorly, that no one can continue this work?
@gmt in IRC asks: "is the writing on the wall for modular gtk-sharp in gentoo? Or is dev-dotnet/gtk-sharp-2.12.21 some kind of sto…
hi,When I build the project, it say:
`qml: qrc:/app/AppMain.qml:5 plugin cannot be loaded for module "TelegramQml": Namespace 'TelegramQml' has already been used for type registration`
Ubuntu 16.0…
I am in commit `a66f97b855cc - net-misc/ofono: drop 1.33` in `::gentoo` tree and this is my staged change:
diff --git a/dev-db/mariadb/mariadb-10.11.6.ebuild b/dev-db/mariadb/mariadb-10.11.6…
I entered the docker container to find the issue why client can't distribute to the host. What I saw is this, and maybe it is the culprit? I'm not sure, I'm just desperate
On a 17.1 profile amd64 system, the icedtea-web plugin gets installed into /usr/lib64/nsbrowser/plugins/IcedTeaPlugin.so
However, palemoon-28.5.2 freshly built on the same system is looking for plu…
I'm the maintainer of the Python [WebCore web framework](https://github.com/marrow/webcore) (see the master branch commit history) and got a neat Google Alert regarding [a forum question abo…