Thank you @cormullion for your incredible work. I am excited to try ideas for the logo and learn from you.
First, let me describe some of the visual elements in our current logo to give you some ba…
La función presenta un **bug** por el cual no deja guardar el **.nc** si no se ha invocado antes la función:
Se sugiere corregir realizando una prueba al interior de la m…
### Sammenslåing
- [x] Glasial
DE Brukt om former eller prosesser som har tilknytning til en istid eller isbre. (NGO)
BF Glasiale miljøer
BF Bremiljøer
EN Glacial
SO Glasiale sedimenter
SO Gl…
Mejorar la descripción de las propiedades del simuBasin definido por laderas, y de las laderas mismas.
Ejemplos; describir self.nhills, diferencias de propiedades de celdas para modelType='hills' y …
The partner-provided Cusco data is ready to be uploaded from:
I added a second org to one of my projects and it saved as " , , "
Once i left the project and re-entered, it refreshed and was the correct 2nd org.
http://vufind-dev.unl.edu/vufind/EITRecord/676931-72 note this is for an abstract also.
Her er en alfabetisk liste med forslag til en rekke engelske realfagstermer:
Anvendt geofysikk -> exploration geophysics, applied geophysics
Biogeokjemisk syklus -> biogeochemical cycle
Fast jords ge…
The Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA) is engaging the ALA to develop a BioCollect project finder hub for ACSA to enable the discovery of all CS projects relevant to Australia and which Aus…
## Info
**Name:** Congaree National Park, South Carolina
**Source URL:** https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/digital-geologic-map-of-congaree-national-park-and-vicinity-south-carolina-nps-grd-gri-c…