I would like to visualize the counterfactuals found by VeriX. In the "VeriX" class, "get_explanation" function, I set the "plot_counterfactual" argument to true. The resulting counterfac…
This is a proposal to support the following pattern
import pandas as pd
import gurobipy as gp
import gurobipy_pandas as gppd
# example data
df = pd.DataFrame({
"ub": [4,5,6],
When I try to duplicate results obtained for a simple linear program using lpSolve or gurobi, I run into issues. In particular, the function solvecop throws a message "Certificate of dual infeasibilit…
I'm encountering an unexpected behavior when using the HiGHS solver. In a two-step iterative process, I solve a problem and then add a cut in the second iteration. Theoretically, this should re…
Have tried multiple julia versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.3 with Gurobi 9.3,9.5 none of them is working.
Hello Oemof community,
I am a new user of Oemof 0.5.2 and now implementing a multi-objective optimization based on the weighted sum method. In this regard, I created several objectives functions. …
I would like to try your tool and workflow but when I launch your data test I obtain a lot of informations but the following also :
WARNING 10:47:05 - 4: Cannot parse retention time: 'NA…
E.g. cplex, and something gurobi-compatible.
This is mainly a reminder for me or someone else to hopefully add this feature if given time.
Currently an older version of gurobi is required for the version of MADE included in transcript2flux; it …
The update to the LM has been requested to support Gruobi 11.0 on the EEE Cluster but it makes sense to install the latest version on Myriad as well.