[[1]](https://github.com/rpomponio/neuroHarmonize#id1) Pomponio, R., Shou, H., Davatzikos, C., et al., (2019). "Harmonization of large MRI datasets for the analysis of brain imaging patterns through…
This is mainly a conversation starter. I myself was interested in having a Cloud-Optimized-Geotiff reader in Bevy, which led to #245. Now, @spoutn1k is working on harmonizing the API together with EXI…
@muakdogan: focus on RADx-UP.
@jkyu: RADx-rad
The plan is to report on the results from this analysis during the next RADx harmonization meeting (8/11).
Milo would know more about the problem of what needs to be indented more or less.
Not sure if this is 'harmonization' or an extension. This would probably start as an exploration/demonstration.
(1c) Preliminary analysis and semantic tagging of data elements definitions complete [@frostyfan109]
This work involves attempting different strategies to tag each data dictionary data element wi…
Currently there are certainly legacy "slots" in the TPN schema (e.g. name) and new slots in the HTN schema (e.g. label) that are either obsolete or need to be renamed for consistency. This issue will …
Bullet point: Harmonization with schema.org and codemeta metadata vocabularies
Remove "schema.org"?
_Originally posted by @chporter in https://github.com/openmodelingfoundation/openmodelingfoundat…
Discussing manual effort in the N3C harmonization projects, Chris Chute thought it was more like 2 million than 2 thousand. Hopefully some artifact gives us more than anecdotal evidence. I'll look.
After starting containers as documented the ownership and group of example_config is set to user 1000:
~/intelmq-docker$ ls -l example_config/intelmq/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 3 1000 1000 4096 Jun…
sebix updated
2 years ago