A fork of issue `Reasons we use Mithril #1026`
Here we can propose our approaches to Mithril's logo, slogan/tagline, or site design (freeware only)
Reason: Mithril's community is lacking. A red…
When will the SDK be updated for v3?
Also there seems to be sample python code missing from the documentation:
I have an issue where the the push replicator stops after receiving this error
Error Domain=CBLHTTP Code=400 "400 bad_request" UserInfo={NSURL=http://xxx:4984/xxx/contact%3AE0294D55-EB14-4C71-81…
I'm using eclipse mars
Would be great to be able to access the /v3/classifiers endpoint to do training via server side calls. Could be missing something in the functionality here, but thought I'd suggest it.
desc = new uint64_t[8 * keypoints.size()];
LATCH(image.data, image.cols, image.rows, static_cast(image.step), kps, desc);
int sixth = (desc[0] >> (6 * 8)) & 0xFF; // seems to always be zero…
Let me share with you a strange behavior of the Demo Classifier in your application.
Select Dog Breeds and **All categories** (if you don't select all results are different and it works fine: no…
I recently upgraded to the latest version of 'com.ibm.watson.developer_cloud:java-sdk:2.7.0' in my Android application. Upon building the project, I received the following error messages in logcat:
The link on the Train Tab to learn more about classifiers does not work. When clicked, it says "Javascript:void(0);"
The proper link is this one: http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/d…