When calculating AUC of ROC, most people use false positve and true positve as their axises. From my understanding, efficiency corresponds to true positve but purity does not match to 1 - false posit…
Hello, I am very interested in your work! I would like to ask about the seed setting for USPS and FASHION data sets. I want to follow your work. Is it convenient to provide the result file?
In the pa…
I have a process per GPU and the amount of data distributed across all the processes could be imbalanced so a process could complete training faster than other processes.
If a process co…
@albahnsen Do you have any thoughts on the relationship between the cost matrix and re-balancing the data? I notice that you do not rebalance in your final logistic regression model in your wo…
S-C-H updated
4 years ago
3가지의 클래스로 분류를 하고싶은데 하나의 클래스만 데이터 수가 1/11 또는 1/10로 다른 클래스들과 차이가나는데 학습전에 데이터 불균형을 어떻게 잡는게 좋을까요...?ㅠㅠ
Tajyu updated
3 years ago
i trained my model on tesla v100 for 58,000 steps & my Average loss is 23. & My MAP is 43.42%. & even my final.weight & best.weight is not saved after training is completed.
* what command do you …
Here I want to brainstorm a list to what are all the potential threats (i.e., where can things go wrong) to a machine learning project? Our checklist need not address all of them, but we should in our…
A list of resources that may be useful for describing/understanding sampling/weighting methods for unbalanced data.
Feel free to add below new topics to search or resources to summarize, related to s…
For each resampled (chunked) pump csv file, did you only mark 1 chunk as True?
E.g. if there is a pump at `2019-03-1 17.00` and I chunked my csv data into 5 second chunks (and only taking into cons…
**Describe the bug**
When fitting SVC to certain data the .support_ attribute does not get updated
**Steps/Code to reproduce bug**
In this gist, you can see that cuML's SVC does not update the `s…