## 前言
[Performance · React Native](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/performance.html#common-sources-of-performance-pr…
**For QA**: please check for regressions on the following pages: *TBA*
The Redux pattern only fully works if the state object is 100% immutable. Usually we are pretty good about this and can catch …
My turn to open a suggestion 😄
I wanted to understand how `toBeAssignable` did work, but I didn't found a simple way to "play" with it :
- I tried codesandbox, but they did change their…
# Docs Plan
## A Web Developer
- [x] What is Aurelia?
- [x] Getting Started
- [x] A Production Setup
- [x] Creating Components
- [x] Dependency Injection: Basics
- [x] Templating: Basics
- [x]…
React 16加了一个新的生命周期钩子componentDidCatch(error, componentStack)来处理封装的组件…
I believe following scenario will cause an issues that we have being observing in our application code:
Let's say this is more or less our root cursor model `{items: [a, b, c]}`:
1. Root component cr…
## 前言
> 本文基于 react 16.3- 版本,所讨论的都是老版本的生命周期函数。
React 作为一个视图框架,速度已经很快了,并且在 React16 新推出的 Fiber 架构中,通过时间切片及高优先级任务中断来尽快相应用户的操作。尽管如此,React 也并不能揣测出开发者真正的意图,如果开发者的代码没有遵循最佳实践,就容易造成性能上的负担。
## 高效渲染
FileList's are not writeable in the specs, but to make `input.files` testable, we'll need to implement a util method to modify it.
/cc @cpojer
## The dependency [redux-form](https://github.com/erikras/redux-form) was updated from `8.2.1` to `8.2.2`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/digitalkaoz/time-calc/compare/master...digitalka…
本系列分三部曲:《框架实现》 《框架使用》 与 《数据流哲学》,这三篇是我对数据流阶段性的总结,正好补充之前过时的文章。
本篇是收官之作 《前端数据流哲学》。
## 1 引言
同时,由于这是一篇**佛系文章**,所以不会得出你应该用 某某 框架的结论,你应该当作消遣来阅读。
## 2 精读