### Description
The page: https://docs.jmix.io/jmix/testing/ui-integration-tests.html
See the cause of deprecation: https://github.com/jmix-framework/jmix/issues/3157
Since the https://github.com…
Use case description:
1. Open the documentation. It automatically opens Jmix 2 version
2. Find some specific article like https://docs.jmix.io/1.x/jmix/1.5/data-access/fetching.html
3. Switch to Jm…
Add description of index settings configuration.
Details and example can be found in javadoc of https://github.com/jmix-framework/jmix/blob/master…
Implement after https://github.com/jmix-framework/jmix/issues/3101 is implemented
Add description of analysis configuration.
Details and example can be found in javadoc of https://github.com/jmix-framework/jmix/blob/master/jmix-…
Add link to the Udemy course on the tutorial page https://docs.jmix.io/jmix/tutorial/index.html.
On the ru copy of tutorial page add 'free' to the Stepik course note. It could be perceived as a paid …
There are several things absent in Data Repositories documentation chapter:
- [x] `io.jmix.core.repository.ApplyConstraints` annotation usage (ability to use UnconstrainedDataManager)
- [x] `JmixD…
In the section about [downloading files](https://docs.jmix.io/jmix/0.x/rest/files-api.html#_downloading_files), mention that in case when FileRef contains encoded parts(percent-encoded or containing +…
### Environment
Jmix version:
Process name is not mandatory, so it can be empty.
But the system must work correctly in this case.
1. Notification when process starts:
on page
code samples are up-to-date, but text includes link title ProcessFormScreens that should be changed to Process…